A downloadable tool

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This is a set of tools built for exclusive use with the Mana Seed series by Seliel the Shaper. They will not work for any other purpose.  Mana Seed Tools currently contains the following, with more to be added later as needed:

Sprite Packer: Packs the Mana Seed Character Base into 2048x2048 master sheets. This will greatly reduce your overall file count and management overhead for your projects!

Sprite Importer for Unity Settings Files

Using Sprite Importer for Unity? Import the settings file and slice/configure all the Mana Seed files in under 2 minutes!

This asset does NOT include the Mana Seed Character Base. In order to obtain the Mana Seed Character Base files you will need to purchase the asset linked below.

Disclaimer: This asset is not supported or sponsored by Seliel the Shaper. Likewise, Seliel's assets such as the Mana Seed Character Base are not supported, or sponsored by myself.  Please be sure to direct any support related questions you may have to the proper party, thank you!

This asset works wonders with my other assets, be sure to check them out!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Mana Seed Tools v1.12 16 kB
Mana Seed Tools v1.11 10 kB

Development log


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The layout for the weapons and shield (6tla, 7tlb) do not line up with all the other sheets. Attacking animations are in grid 5, 6, 7 and the equipment is in grid 9, 10, 11. And Grid 8 should be in Grid 1

Thank you for making me aware of this! I am currently out of town on a family emergency so I do not have access to the source files. But I will work on this once I get home in a few weeks! I apologize for the delay!

Deleted 1 year ago

Alright, I need to fix my statement. While trying to implement other weapons now I have been slightly incorrect. Grid 5-7 are for bow, 8-10 are One-hand/shield, 11-13 are polearm. So it looks like just the one-handers(axe, sword, and wand) and the shields are off by one. so they should be in Grids 8, 9, and 10 and the ones in grid 8 should be in grid one. However I do have to ask if you system supports the "unsupported" files he has in his folders. Because the ones I have in grid 8 are the animations for the one-handers and shields to appear on the characters back while walking around and that was in the "unsupported" folder.

Seliel has released a great number of art assets that I am trying to supply multiple tools to ease the management of. I haven't gotten to all of them in their totality yet, unfortunately that would include the unsupported files at this time.

I keep getting an error when processing clothes or hair 

Now processing boxr_v01

Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+.

   at System.Drawing.Image.Save(String filename, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams)

   at System.Drawing.Image.Save(String filename, ImageFormat format)

   at Mana_Seed_Tools.Program.PackFiles(String outputFileName, Bitmap[] sources)

   at Mana_Seed_Tools.Program.Main(String[] args)"

Any help with this? I followed your video but i keep getting this error on most of the processing

Hmm interesting, I am getting the same problem. And it wasn't doing this before, nor has the source code for the packer been updated.  I wonder if maybe a code library for .NET was updated?  I'll have to do some research and look further into this.  Thanks for letting me know!

Alright, I figured it out. The problem isn't with the tool, it's the layout of your output folder. In your output folder you MUST have the folders 0bot, 1out, 2clo, 3fac, 4har, 5hat, 6tla, and 7tlb. If you remove those folders it will generate this error upon trying to save the packed image file. The layout of your input folder doesn't matter, you can use the original file structure included in Seliel's zip files, or throw just the .png files in there and it will work just fine. But in the output folder, you MUST have those folders present that I mentioned.

Just FYI, the packer skips "v00" files.


Thank you for the heads up! I'll push out a build to fix this right away!

(1 edit)

No problem! Also, I did want to inquire about a possible add-on to this or even a separate tool-- A splitter of sorts. Something that would split each animation in each direction into individual horizontal strips.

I would happily pay for something like this.

Having each animation split up is the only way to get this character base to work comfortably in GameMaker. I have tried Seliel's original atlas as well as your combined one and there just isn't a viable way to make them work. ;(


I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward. :)

Deleted 2 years ago