PaperDoll Addressables Extension

Hello everybody! I wanted to let you all know that I've released an extension for PaperDoll called the PaperDoll Addressables Extension.  This asset was made in coordination with Shadowfinder Studios to address a problem they experienced utilizing PaperDoll in their own product, and they were kind enough to share the results with me.

As many of you may know, utilizing the Resources folder commands a large amount of overhead causing your project to take a performance hit the larger it gets. That isn't to say it is a bad thing, but that you may want to exercise caution for medium to large sized projects when using it. PaperDoll as you are aware is also reliant on the Resources folder. Addressables, however, allow you to circumvent using a resources folder and instead load assets only when needed. For those of you interested in using this new extension, addressables is not installed in Unity by default, you must go into the Unity Package Manager and install Addressables from the Unity Registry of packages otherwise you will receive errors.


PaperDoll v1.06.unitypackage 509 kB
Nov 14, 2024
PaperDoll Addressables Extension v1.06.unitypackage 2.7 kB
Nov 14, 2024

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